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The Greater Confirmation Retreat

Weekly Topics

Here is what to expect each week of your virtual Confirmation retreat. 


Week 1: Greater Love

- Session 1: Jesus Desires a Relationship with Us

God's Love for us is unconditional, absolute, and      unlimited. God wants us to love Him, not out of fear, but because He is our Father. We don't have to be perfect to have a relationship with Him. 

- Session 2: God's Promise

We were created to be face to face with God. Sin makes us turn away. All throughout scripture we see instances where the people of God have tuned away. But God, in His infinite love, gives us so many opportunities to turn back to him.

- Session 3: Jesus is Real

Jesus is real and He reveals his love and truth to us through the sacraments. Jesus calls us BY NAME to be in a relationship with Him

Week 2: Greater Power


- Session 1: Origin Story

Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity - always present, always faithful, always loving. He was not created, but always has been and always will be. 

- Session 2: On Fire

The Holy Spirit moves through scripture and sets our hearts on fire to go out and spread the Gospel. In this session, we are told we're made for greatness and challenged to ask the Holy Spirit to move in big ways in our lives. 

- Session 3: Alive and Active

We've met the Holy Spirit, throughout the Old and New Testaments. Now we'll see how He is alive and active in our lives today.


Week 3: Greater Living

- Session 1: What is a Disciple?

In this session, we learn about what a disciple is and that holiness is hard! Sometimes what God calls us to do is different than what we had planned for ourselves, but when we give our "yes" to God, He blesses us more than we ever could have imagined. 

- Session 2: Striving for Holiness

In this session, we learn that holiness takes practice and that holiness is what we should be striving for instead of perfection. God wants our authentic selves, not the one we pretend to be. He loves who He created us to be. 

- Session 3: Living It! 

So what does all this mean for us? In this session, we learn some simple and practical ways to better live like a disciple of Christ and keep moving towards holiness. 

Week 4: Greater Mission


- Session 1: Experiencing a Personal Pentecost

We need to experience a personal Pentecost to empower us to move out of the upper room and head out to set the world on fire!  

- Session 2: Unrepeatable

We are each unrepeatable creations equipped with a unique set of natural gifts and supernatural charisms. These qualities are God's way of calling each of us into living our grater mission. 

- Session 3: Am I Doing it Right?

In this session, we explore the fruit and the blessings of what happens to us when we are living out our greater mission by explaining and reflecting on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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